My name is Paizley Allez-Vouz (pronounced – payz-lee * a-lay * voo).

As of this writing, in January 2012, I am 22 years old. I was born and raised in a log cabin (okay, a very nice, expansive log cabin) on thePigeonRiver, which marks the border between America and Canada where the countries meet on the northern shore of Lake Superior (Minnesota/Ontario).

My great grandfather (x 10) was a voyageur. When he met my great grandmother (also x 10), an Indian princess, he became a coureur des bois.

My father is the personification of the old saying that ignorance is bliss. My mother works too hard and dreams too little.

I have an older brother (he’s a lumberjack, and he’s okay, he sleeps all night, and he works all day!), and a younger sister (who dreams of becoming a either a professional moose wrestler, or a happily-ever-after puck bunny).

I home-schooled myself and had a keen interest in the medical-related sciences before I discovered the joys of writing.

I attended an educational institution of no repute, from which I earned some sort of silly certificate (I just love alliteration! Don’t you?) in journalism. Less than three days into an internship with an online news publication, I discovered just how much I do not want to be a journalist. I would, in fact, rather read the unrequited love poetry of teenage girls, of which I have written my share, than become a member of the Fourth Estate. I do not know what I was thinking when I signed on for J-school, but if it is the worst thing I have to endure in my turn on this mortal coil I will suffer far less than most.

When I was seven years old I saw, and smelled, BIGFOOT. No, really. I really, really did. I believe in almost all things supernatural.

I now live in Europe, in a funny little place I call Gamma Quadrant. I teach music at an English language school for the children of CEOs, diplomats and other distinguished foreign nationals residing in Gamma Quadrant. I love kids… so long as I can give them back to their owners at the end of the work day.

If I could have one wish – that is purely selfish, as opposed to world peace etc. – I would star in Broadway musicals. Alas, I sing more like a deer than I do a bird, which, admittedly, is better than my sister, who sings like those mooses she wrestles, and the hockey players she drools over and hopes to wrestle (which, to me, are practically the same species, and yes, I know the plural of moose is mice, but I like mooses better, and I’ve seen more of them thay you have, so there!).

I have been a Gleek since the moment I was exposed to the brilliant show. I do, perhaps, watch a little too much TV (mostly sci-fi, or shows with hot doctors).

I have started this blog to chronicle my efforts to become a best-selling kid lit superstar. I invite you to follow my miss adventures on that quest. I promise to do my best to keep things entertaining for you, but must advise all that I am prone to throwing the occasional hissy fit.

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